Company Culture

Society, Customer, State, Employee

Society Minded

Meikai pays attention to people’s livelihood and social progress in the rapid development, increases public welfare efforts, and becomes a “socially responsible” corporate citizen.

Customer Minded

Focus on the core needs of our customers, aim at customer satisfaction and ensure the continuous development of our product quality management system.

Employee Minded

Adhere to people-oriented, practice the concept of common development between the company and employees, have a sense of belonging and can realize personal values.

Our Mission

To be a friendly cellulose ether brand, to increase our competitiveness and profitability.

Keeping the customer demands and requirements at the highest level by constantly improving the quality.

Creating a safe bond between MikaZone and consumers with strong communication .

Ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Development Concept
Motivated Development, Optimized Resources, Continuous Innovation, and Business Continuity!

Competition Concept
Innovate Standards, Go beyond Competition, Face the Greatest Rival of All—Yourself!

Customer-centric, meet customer expectations faster and better to create competitive strengths.

Talent Concept

Without Borders: Talent introduction and learning without borders. Fight for international talents, start global business and give full play to everyone’s potential; advocate continuous learning and adeptness in learning, encourage employees to tap their potential.

Non-equilibrium: Guide system and mechanism innovation with the “non-equilibrium” idea, develop talent employment and incentive mechanism, provide new platforms for the capable and bring the interests of the talents and the fate of the enterprise closer.

Natural Selection: The mechanism of natural selection and survival of the fittest.